McCulloch XLH550 Hedge Trimmer Spares
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McCulloch XLH550 (9668308-01) : 1 - 12 of 107
McCulloch XLH550 Primer Remote
Genuine spare part
If you find your Primer Bulb to be excessively worn, broken or cracked then you may be finding your machine difficult to start. Replace it with this... More information
McCulloch XLH550 Switch
Genuine spare part
If the on/off switch for your grass trimmer or hedge trimmer is damaged or faulty, then you need this replacement to help bring your appliance back... More information
McCulloch XLH550 Fuel Cap Assembly
Genuine spare part
If the fuel cap on your chainsaw is damaged or has been misplaced, resulting in stopping you from using the chainsaw on those hedges in the garden.... More information
McCulloch XLH550 Blade Assembly
Genuine spare part
Length 22 Inches This replacement hedge trimmer blade is engineered for high-performance cutting, ensuring that your tool operates at optimal capacity.... More information
McCulloch XLH550 Clutch Friction Shoe
Genuine spare part
This replacement clutch friction shoe is designed to restore optimal performance to your machine. It ensures smooth operation by providing the necessary... More information
McCulloch XLH550 OLO002 2 Stroke LS Oil
Genuine consumable
Type: OLO002 1 Litre capacity Low smoke production Dosage compartment - quickly and easily measure 20cl of oil (the correct amount to mix with 1 litre... More information